
Monday, 23 March 2020

All about me

Hi bloggers,today I am going to tell you about me.

My name is Peter
I am 10 years old 
I am year 6
I go to Yaldhurst Model school

  1. Eggs or cereal? eggs
  2. Milk or chocolate milk? Milk
  3. Coke or Pepsi? none
  4. Juice or water? water
  5. White or wholemeal? wholemeal
  6. Cake or donuts? none
  7. Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
  8. Corn or peas? Corn
  9. Green beans or broccoli? broccoli
  10. Pancakes or waffles? waffles
  11. Action movies or dramas? action movie
  12. Comedy or scary movies? comedy
  13. Television or book? book
  14. Paper book or Ebook? paper book
  15. TVNZ or TV3? TVNZ
  16. Cards or board games? cards
  17. Dressing up or casual clothes? casual clothes
  18. Sneakers or jandals? jandals
  19. Cars or trucks? cars
  20. Soccer or hockey? soccer
  21. Rugby or Netball? netball
  22. Hunting or fishing? fishing
  23. Skiing or surfing? skiing
  24. Xbox or PS? none
  25. Multiplayer or single player? none
  26. Walking or jogging? walking
  27. Spring or Autumn? Spring
  28. Winter or Summer? winter
  29. Shower or bath? shower
  30. Dog or cat? none
  31. Night owl or early riser? none
  32. Long or short hair? short hart
  33. Shy or outgoing? outgoing
  34. Draw or read? read
  35. When hanging toilet paper, over or under? over

  1. Age you first started at Yaldhurst Model School - 9
  2. Middle name - none
  3. Favourite colour - green
  4. Favourite song -  none
  5. Number of siblings - 3
  6. Favourite sport - tennis
  7. Best birthday party you have had - none
  8. Best birthday party you have been to - none
  9. Favourite animal - elephant
  10. Favourite food - chicken patty
  11. Age you first flew in a plane - 5
  12. Been on a boat? 3
  13. Been on a train? 1
  14. Can speak another language? Chinese
  15. Best talent? Learning how to use a computer

Friday, 20 March 2020

shortcut keys 2

Hi bloggers,to day we are going to teach you guys some more shortcut keys today's shortcut key is how to make a arrow -->  then press space
so you can make a arrow --> 
what shortcut key do I sould I do next time ?

Thursday, 12 March 2020

shortcut keys

Hi bloggers.Today I am going to teach you guys some shortcut key.Do you know some shortcut keys ? today's shortcut key is how to open comment history :ctrl or command +alt or option +shift+a = comment historỵ and ctrl,alt,/=history shortcut key,here is a link to all shortcut keys ctrl + alt + / = historỵ

would you want to know more about shortcut keys?

Wednesday, 4 March 2020


hi bloggers,i read a book last term it is called CLAWS of the CROCODILE i made a biteable here is a video
leave a comment,
what biteable should i do next time,byeImage result for comment gif
comment ???????